Out latest Projects

We’ve delivered 50+ successful projects to 200+ clients worldwide. As professional freelancers, we’re now on DevNex. Check out our portfolio and contact us for your next project. We’re here to help!

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This website is a testament to the commitment to excellence. It serves as a hub for showcasing a wide range of business consultation services, making it easy for visitors to explore and understand the offerings. The booking process has been streamlined, allowing clients to schedule consultations effortlessly, enhancing user experience. The user-friendly contact section ensures potential clients can reach out with ease, promoting seamless communication. The website boasts an appealing and modern design that mirrors the professionalism and expertise of clients.

  • Content Management System (CMS): WordPress
  • Web Hosting: Bluehost
  • Performance Optimization: Cloudflare
  • SEO & Analytics: Semrush, Yoast SEO, Google Analytics, Google Search Console
  • Marketing: Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads, Google Ads
  • Visuals & Design: Graphic design tools for business cards, banners, logos, visuals, and color palette selection
  • Development: Website development, plugin integration, responsive design, and GMT setup
  • Low Speed Loading: Slow loading times were addressed by implementing performance optimization measures, resulting in a significantly faster website.

  • Low Traffic and Reach: To expand the reach to professional customers, SEO optimization techniques and attractive visuals were incorporated, driving higher traffic to the site.

  • Conversion Enhancement: Strategic deployment of marketing campaigns, including Facebook and Google ads, and setting up GMT, led to improved conversion rates.

  • Designer: The design team meticulously crafted business cards, banners, logos, visuals, and a captivating color palette to create a visually appealing online presence.

  • Developer: Development experts worked diligently to create a high-performance website, integrating essential plugins, ensuring responsive design, and optimizing the website for speed and functionality.

  • Marketer: The marketing team played a pivotal role in achieving high conversion rates through effective strategies such as Facebook ads, Google ads, GMT implementation, and setting up Facebook Pixel for precise tracking and optimization.

Superior Medspa

Superior Medspa CHOICE aims to enhance its online presence and user experience by developing a high-quality, user-friendly website. This website will serve as a dynamic showcase for their services, hair transplants, weight loss programs, and regenerative medicine treatments. The primary goal is to elevate visibility, improve engagement, and reflect their commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

  • Content Management System:  WordPress
  • Hosting Providers:  Bluehost, SiteGround
  • Security:  iThemes Security
  • SEO Optimization:  Yoast SEO, All in One SEO Pack
  • Design:  Adobe Creative Cloud, Canva
  • Brand Style Guide:  Lucidpress
  • Email Marketing:  Mailchimp
  • Advertising:  Google Ads, Facebook ads

Competitive Differentiation: Emphasizing high-quality website themes and a commitment to excellence, offering a wide range of specialized services.

Mobile Optimization: Ensuring a seamless mobile experience through responsive design.

Backup and Security: Implementing security plugins and regular updates for data protection.

ROI Tracking: Utilizing analytics tools to measure campaign effectiveness and adjust strategies.

Implementing AI Automation Tools: Scheduling regular updates and maintenance for accurate AI responses and enhanced user engagement.

  • Designer: Creates marketing materials, including brochures, flyers, and business cards. Maintains the brand style guide.
  • Developer: Builds and maintains the website using WordPress, ensures mobile responsiveness, and updates AI systems.
  • Marketer: Implements SEO and PPC advertising, manages social media campaigns, and gathers client feedback through surveys.

Points of You

We are pleased to announce that Devnex has successfully built and completed the development of their website. This project presented a range of challenges, from creating a complex website structure to implementing custom features and ensuring responsive design.

Our team worked diligently to overcome these challenges and deliver a website that effectively presents Points of You’s multifaceted offerings, including tools, workshops, training programs, and the Academy. We have integrated custom features such as user registration for workshops, an e-commerce system for tool purchases, and a certification program seamlessly into the WordPress platform.

  • Content Management System (CMS): WordPress
  • Web Hosting: GoDaddy
  • Performance Optimization: Cloudflare, Digital Ocean 
  • SEO & Analytics: Semrush, Yoast SEO, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, GMT 
  • Marketing: Facebook Pixel, Facebook Ads, Google Ads
  • Visuals & Design: Graphic design tools for business cards, banners, logos, visuals, and color palette selection
  • Development: Website development, plugin integration, responsive design, and GMT setup

Custom Features Integration:  Our experienced development team seamlessly integrated custom features and functionalities into the WordPress platform. This included user-friendly registration for workshops, an efficient e-commerce system for tool purchases, and a streamlined certification program for the Academy.

Complex Website Structure: Devnex conducted a comprehensive analysis of Points of You’s multifaceted offerings, carefully designing and implementing a website structure that intuitively presents tools, workshops, training programs, and the Academy. Custom post types and a well-structured navigation menu were employed for seamless navigation.

Content Strategy: Devnex helped craft a compelling content strategy that effectively communicated Points of You’s values, methods, and impact. Engaging multimedia content and storytelling techniques were employed to captivate and inform the audience effectively.

Designer: Our designer played a fundamental role in shaping the visual identity of Points of You. They meticulously crafted a cohesive brand identity that resonated with the company’s unique approach and services. The design team ensured that this identity was consistently reflected in various elements, including logos, color schemes, typography, and the overall website design.

Developer: Our experienced WordPress developer was responsible for tackling complex technical challenges. They conducted a comprehensive analysis of Points of You’s multifaceted offerings and skillfully designed and implemented a website structure that intuitively presented tools, workshops, training programs, and the Academy. Custom post types and a well-structured navigation menu were employed to ensure seamless navigation.

Marketer: Our marketing team played a pivotal role in defining and executing effective marketing strategies. They helped identify and segment Points of You’s diverse target audiences, tailoring marketing campaigns and crafting personalized content for each group. Competitive analyses were conducted to highlight Points of You’s unique selling points in the competitive self-help and personal development market. The team also devised content marketing strategies, created a well-structured content calendar, and optimized content for SEO. For global expansion, our marketers adapted strategies to suit local markets and cultures.


Devnex proudly presents the latest project, the website for Blackswan Disaster & Restoration Services. We excel at crafting impactful online experiences that mirror your brand’s essence and effectively engage your target audience. Beyond this, we also manage your branding and marketing to ensure your business stands out.

Blackswan Disaster & Restoration Services is your reliable ally in comprehensive property restoration solutions. They grasp the gravity of disasters like fire, smoke, and water damage, which is why their team of certified experts is available round-the-clock to respond swiftly and mitigate further damage.

  • Content Management System (CMS): WordPress
  • Web Hosting: Dreamhost 
  • Performance Optimization: Cloudflare
  • SEO & Analytics: Semrush, Yoast SEO, Google Analytics, Google Search Console
  • Marketing: , Google Ads, Social media ads 
  • Visuals & Design: Graphic design tools for business cards, banners, logos, visuals, and color palette selection
  • Development: Website development, plugin integration, responsive design, and GMT setup
  • Local SEO: Devnex has optimized Blackswan’s website for local search, improving their visibility in search engine results. This includes optimizing Google My Business listings, targeting local keywords, and creating location-specific landing pages.
  • Online Reputation Management: Devnex has implemented a robust online reputation management strategy. We promptly respond to reviews, encourage satisfied customers to share positive feedback, and vigilantly monitor online mentions to ensure a positive online image.
  • Emergency Contact Information: We’ve prominently placed Blackswan’s emergency contact information throughout the website, ensuring it’s easily accessible on both desktop and mobile devices. In emergencies, users can quickly find the necessary contact details.
  • Designer: Our branding team crafts compelling brand identities, using data and creativity to captivate audiences. They set the stage for a strong online presence, making your brand unforgettable.

  • Developer: Our WordPress developers transform concepts into interactive, user-friendly websites. They combine design with coding prowess to create visually appealing, high-performing sites.

  • Marketer: Our marketing team drives online visibility and success. They craft data-driven strategies, spanning SEO, content, social media, and more, to connect with your target audience.